Some psychologists ITS
To be your mfahamumpenzi kinaitakuwa been easy kwakokumtambua reduce anger and return to the normal liyake. This Ukishafahamu lakumsoma kisaikojia to take responsibility kujuakama state is conducive listen to what you want to tell him when he pokuwana anger. This may kuchukuasaa several and can sometimes even mbili.Lengo day is it? Is correct kupatamatokeo kuondoachuki of your partner and teach yakukasirika effects on sexual uhusianowenu. "J, I love you so much, but juziuliniumiza you mimimalaya me for a mistake that I made?" Of course mudahuo will listen more kulikoungebishana he pokuwana anger.
allow response to
Despite kumsoma kisaikojiana kinagaubagamakosa tell her, do not mzuiekujitetea, give him the opportunity to talk up with him. "See you still insulted me, now I believe that you kuwaumedhamilia day." Usisiseme so, let him answer it kamaatakuwa move to suppress the increasingly amassing ushindi.Mvumilie clean the brain.
As I said kwenyehapo on, dear wenginehuwa difficult to understand, niwatu to hide their weaknesses and not wanting kuonekanawamekosea. People of namnahii you powarejesheamazungumzo they wezakujikuta are grumpy again. "So you were ... I did what sayest yes ... you can amuaje?" Mkifikakwenye not kubalikurumabana same color and then you ingiakwenye mwacheaseme fifth stage
Even if he is ever wrong and that he has kataakukir
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